
Inventory.Online – the Unique Inventory Experience

Working with only a select number of Clients we build strong relationships and continuity over a long period of time.

Our unique service means the Inventory process takes care of itself. With referencing, gas safety certificates, preparation of Tenancy agreements etc. all to be dealt with prior to the start of a Tenancy, our clients know that, our Inventory Clerks will be fully prepared and produce a Report of the highest quality.

We have qualified practitioners for EPC’s and floorplans.

It is now generally accepted that the compilation of a detailed Inventory and Schedule of Conditions is a necessity and no longer simply an option for Landlords and tenants.

The advent of the Tenancy Deposit Scheme has been good for Tenants and Landlords, but in the event of a case going to the dispute service, can result in hours of administrative work for Property Managers and Agents; a professional Inventory and Schedule of Conditions has never been more important.

The reports we compile at the outset and termination of tenancies are detailed, concise, well presented, and tailored to leave no element of doubt. This means that at the end of a Tenancy, any dispute between a Landlord and a Tenant can be resolved quickly using the evidence from the comprehensive written and photographic record compiled in our Inventory reports. This allows property managers to broker agreements between parties without the need to revert to the Dispute Service.